Preston Poor Tax Survey – 7 July 1732

Fig 1. The head of the first part of the Poor Tax Book showing how the columns are laid out. Image courtesy of Lancashire Archives (CNP/3/1/11)

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Fig 2. Image courtesy of Lancashire Archives (CNP/3/1/11)

The properties are assigned to three separate columns in the original document: Fields, Houses and Sundries, with a number for each (see Fig 2 left). The Fields category is self-explanatory, the Houses category is not. Although the column heading specifies number of houses it is clear from the context that in some cases the number refers to individual buildings and in others to multiple occupancy of individual buildings. The Sundries column includes non-residential buildings such as shops; again, the numbers can refer to individual buildings or parts of a building.

In some cases the annual rental values and acreages are not assigned to individual occupants but are given for the whole property. This is indicated in the entries below thus: annual rental value (joint) and acreage (joint)

Occasionally more than one location is listed in an entry. In these cases the locations given below refer to the occupants listed above them in the entry.

Sometimes the name of the occupant is followed by ‘etc’. This would seem to suggest additional occupants in the property.

The date refers to the day on which the survey of these properties was carried out.

New Shambles, east side of Market Place, Town Hall properties, Old Narrow Shambles, Old Shambles, east side of Cheapside, north side of Fishergate and Church Street, St John’s Weind, Clark Yard, south end of Whittakers, Peel Moor. Properties identified: Kings Arms & Wool-pack, Red Lyon, White Lyon, Sun, Quaker meeting house, Butter Cross

The entries for 7 July 1732

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: John Hodgkinson son of James Hodgkinson
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Richard Helm
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Occupier: William Cureden
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Richard Leach
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Occupier: William Lorimer
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: James Lorimer
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: William Hodgkinson
Property: butcher’s shop
Occupier: Thomas Shepherd
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: James Hodgkinson
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: Samuel Cooke
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: Widow of Hugh Barker
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £2 5s. 0d.
Occupier: Robert Lytham
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: William Whittle
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Occupier: William Brown
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: empty
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Location: Shambles east side
Occupier: Edward Martin
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: James Bostock
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £2 5s. 0d.
Occupier: John Hodgkinson [Mr?] Knott’s son-in-law
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 5s. 0d.
Occupier: Henry Parr
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Richard Charnock
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Edward Bradley
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £2 5s. 0d.
Location: Shambles west side
Tenure: yearly rental
Note: ‘By Order of Court of Oct 2, 1732, Molyneux is allowed out of the Rent of 80£ 5S for the above 21 Butchers Shops 13S.4d. Per. Which is paid the Scavenger’

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Thomas Cooke
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 15s. 0d.
Occupier: George Dawson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 2s. 0d.
Occupier: empty
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Occupier: William Hodgkinson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Elizabeth Simpson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 15s. 0d.
Occupier: empty
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 5s. 0d.
Occupier: soldiers
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 5s. 0d.
Occupier: John Sanderson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Occupier: empty
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 5s. 0d.
Occupier: Margaret Threlfall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 5s. 0d.
Occupier: John Moss
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Location: Shambles east side over the above 15 shops
Occupier: not given Barnes
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Occupier: not given Latus
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 15s. 0d.
Occupier: Thomas Walker
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 14s. 0d.
Occupier: Edward Bradley
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 15s. 0d.
Location: Shambles west side over the above 6 shops
Tenure: yearly rental
Note: ‘That the Rents of the above Rooms called fifteen Houses on Survey July 7th 1732 being overtaken 2£ 8S I have leave the 12th April 1733 to deduct the said 2£ 8S and to Settle the Rents of them at Twenty five Pounds and eight shillings WH.’

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Richard Walton
Property: warehouse
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Location: Shambles east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Edward Shuttleworth
Property: house and 3 stables
Annual rental value: £14 10s. 0d.
Location: Shambles east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Richard Walton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 0s. 0d.
Location: Shambles west side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: William Charnley
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 10d.
Occupier: John Hodgkinson
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 10d.
Occupier: Thomas Parr
Property: butcher’s shop
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 10d.
Location: Shambles west side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Mary Wilson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Jennet Abraham
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 2s. 6d.
Location: Shambles west side over said 3 butchers shops
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Richard Wilkinson
Property: cockpit
Annual rental value: £7 0s. 0d.
Location: back of Mitre
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Ellen Myers widow of John Myers ‘&Tenant under[?]’
Property: house
Occupier: Edward Bradley
Property: stable
Occupier: Ralph Woods
Property: house and shop
Occupier: Robert Gurnall
Property: cellar
Annual rental value: £13 0s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Widow of Hugh Barker
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Humphrey Morris
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side back of Ralph Wood’s shop
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Jane Melling
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Mrs Eliz. Whitehead
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £5 12s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: David Cooper
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Lawrence Shackshaft
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 5s. 0d.
Occupier: John Stanistreet
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 7s. 0d.
Occupier: William Gerrard
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 14s. 0d.
Occupier: John Gregson
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 7s. 0d.
Occupier: George Osbaldeston
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 8s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Thomas Morris
Property: house
Annual rental value: £8 6s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Henry Cottam
Occupier: Mr William Harrison
Property: shop and cellar
Annual rental value: £5 10s. 0d.
Location: Market Place east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr William Marsden
Occupier: Philip Hunt
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £12 0s. 0d.
Note: additional occupier Robert Bonny
Occupier: John Cumbrall
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £18 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Joseph Pedder and Robert Bonny. ‘Rooms over Ph. Hunt’s shop’
Property: not given not given
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr John Asheton
Occupier: Samuel Smith etc
Property: house
Annual rental value: £20 0s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles east side
Tenure: yearly rental
Note: additional owner Mr Cha Gibson

Owner: Thomas Walton [of] ‘High-gate’
Lessee: Widow of William Birchall
Occupier: Alexander Jolly
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Widow of William Birchall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 10s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mrs Sudell widow
Occupier: Thomas Houghson
Property: shop and cellar
Annual rental value: £5 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Robert Brown
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £13 0s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles east side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: John Winckley esq
Occupier: Thomas Aldred
Property: house
Annual rental value: £14 0s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Occupier: Widow Alford
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Location: south end of and under Town Hall
Occupier: Francis Baynes
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Occupier: William Gurnall
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Gilbert Lancaster
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Location: west side of and under Town Hall
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Alderman Thomson
Occupier: Peter Smith
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Location: west side of and under Town Hall
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: John Cooke
Occupier: Thomas Morris
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Location: west side of and under Town Hall
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Mrs Graddwell widow
Occupier: John Moss
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £2 5s. 0d.
Location: west side of and under Town Hall
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Alderman Thomson
Occupier: Ashton Nurse
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Location: north side of and under Town Hall
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Mrs Sudell widow
Occupier: Margaret Blacklidge
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 1s. 0d.
Location: Old Narrow Shambles
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: John Winckley esq
Occupier: Margaret Blacklidge
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 10s. 0d.
Location: Old Narrow Shambles
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: executors of Thomas Cowban
Occupier: William Baynes
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles west side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: executors of Thomas Cowban
Occupier: William Byrom
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 12s. 6d.
Occupier: Thomas Shackshaft
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 0s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles west side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Occupier: Mr John Garlicke
Property: house
Annual rental value: £12 0s. 0d.
Location: Old Shambles west side and Market Place south side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mr Henry Smith
Occupier: Mr Henry Smith
Property: house
Annual rental value: £12 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Alderman Mr Addison
Property: house
Annual rental value: £16 0s. 0d.
Location: Market Place south side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Mrs Francks widow
Occupier: Mr Jonathan Cowburne
Property: house
Annual rental value: £7 10s. 0d.
Location: Market Place south side and Cheapside east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Mr Thomas Addison
Occupier: empty new built
Property: 2 houses
Annual rental value: £17 0s. 0d.
Location: Cheapside east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Mr William Harrison
Occupier: Widow Kitchin
Property: house
Annual rental value: £8 10s. 0d.
Location: Cheapside east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Occupier: Thomas Watson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £12 0s. 0d.
Location: Cheapside east side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Alderman Addison
Occupier: Paul Pedder
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £10 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Thomas Place
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £15 0s. 0d.
Location: Cheapside east side and Fishergate north side east of Butter Cross
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Adinson and Maire
Occupier: Henry Walker
Property: shop
Tenure: leasehold
Occupier: Mr Henry Smith
Property: house
Annual rental value: £6 16s. 0d.
Location: Fishergate north side east of Butter Cross
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: John Winckley esq
Occupier: Alderman Mr Assheton
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £0 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold
Note: For the yearly Rent of this Numb. 431 See Folio 5, where tis included with Number 63

Owner: John Winckley esq
Occupier: Mr John Dixon
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £14 14s. 0d.
Occupier: Mrs Elizabeth Whitehead
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £8 8s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mrs Sudell widow
Occupier: Mrs Mary Whalley
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £5 0s. 0d.
Occupier: James Hamilton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £14 0s. 0d.
Name: Kings Arms & Wool-pack
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Henry Fleetwood esq
Occupier: William Craick
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £6 0s. 0d.
Occupier: James Fishwick
Property: house
Annual rental value: £13 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Name: Red Lyon
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Henry Fleetwood esq
Occupier: Mr James Bolton linen draper
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £7 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Henry Moor
Property: house
Annual rental value: £10 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Widow Lorimer
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Richard Sharples
Property: shop
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Name: White Lyon
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Mr John Nock
Property: house
Annual rental value: £22 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Mr Thomas Clayton w[oollen] draper
Property: house
Annual rental value: £16 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Molyneux
Occupier: Mr Robert Thompson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £16 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: William Greenfield esq
Occupier: Richard Postlewaite
Property: house
Annual rental value: £16 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: William Greenfield esq
Occupier: Mrs Sarah Wall
Property: house and shop
Occupier: John Wilson
Property: house and shop
Occupier: Mr James Markland
Property: house
Annual rental value: £18 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Blundell esq
Lessee: Mr Samuel Precott
Occupier: Mr Anthony Davis
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £16 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Thomas Whitehead esq
Occupier: Thomas Whitehead esq
Property: house
Annual rental value: £40 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: owner occupied

Owner: Thomas Whitehead esq
Occupier: William Tonge esq
Property: house
Annual rental value: £15 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Lady Peters
Occupier: Mr Thomas Starkie
Property: house
Annual rental value: £30 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Lady Peters
Lessee: Mr George Rishton
Occupier: Robert Hall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £23 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Mr George Rishton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £7 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Occupier: Mr Thomas Clayton attourney
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Name: Sun
Location: St John’s Weind west side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mercer
Lessee: Widow of Luke Hodgkinson
Occupier: John Hill
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Sarah Etherington
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Widow of Ralph Hodgkinson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Location: St John’s Weind east side
Occupier: William Boulton shoemaker
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £4 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Widow of Luke Hodgkinson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mr Joseph Bennett
Occupier: Ellen Cross
Property: house
Annual rental value: £4 15s. 0d.
Occupier: Isaac Cross
Property: house and shop
Annual rental value: £3 5s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Pollard
Occupier: Thomas Money etc
Property: house
Annual rental value: £11 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: John Calland
Occupier: John Calland
Property: house
Annual rental value: £7 0s. 0d.
Occupier: John Calland
Property: stable
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mrs Graddwell widow
Occupier: Simon Bullen
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Location: Clark Yard
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: William Greenfield esq
Lessee: Edward Bramwell glover
Occupier: Widow Banister
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 9s. 0d.
Occupier: Margaret Pouilton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 19s. 0d.
Location: Clark Yard
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: William Greenfield esq
Occupier: Agnes Denison
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Margaret Aynsworth
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Location: Clark Yard
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Alderman Mr Assheton
Occupier: Mrs Gregson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £10 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Note: Additional occupant Mr Johnson
Occupier: Mr Nicholas Woosey
Property: house
Annual rental value: £4 10s. 0d.
Location: Clark yard
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Mr Malliveret
Occupier: Madam Osbaldeston
Property: house
Annual rental value: £10 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Widow Harrison [of] Lea
Occupier: William Astley
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 18s. 6d.
Occupier: Katherin Rich
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 6s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Occupier: Edmund Turner
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Occupier: John Stoppord
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Quakers
Property: meeting house
Annual rental value: £6 0s. 0d.
Location: Whittakers south end of
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Longton School
Lessee: Mr William Langton
Occupier: William Wrenshaw
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 15s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mr Richard Atkinson
Occupier: Mrs Joinson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £10 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Mr Richard Atkinson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: Henry Fleetwood esq
Lessee: William Shackshaft [of] Leyland
Occupier: Widow Sherd
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Oliver Shawe
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Henry Bullen
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Mrs Archbald
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 5s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: John Sudell
Occupier: John Sudell
Property: house
Annual rental value: £6 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: owner occupied

Owner: Thomas Sudell senior carpenter
Occupier: Thomas Sudell senior, carpenter
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: owner occupied

Owner: Longton School
Occupier: Samuel Cooke
Property: house
Annual rental value: £9 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Longton School
Lessee: Widow of Mr Richard Boulton
Occupier: Widow of Mr Richard Boulton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £4 12s. 0d.
Occupier: Richard Poole
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mr William Wall
Lessee: Richard Sudell
Occupier: Mrs Coupe widow
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Richard Sudell
Property: house
Annual rental value: £4 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Mr William Wall
Lessee: Edward Redihalgh
Occupier: Jeremy Aynsworth
Property: house
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Lady Peters
Lessee: Richard Bertinshall
Occupier: Richard Bertinshall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £9 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Bleasdall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Sir Edward Stanley Bart.
Lessee: William Johnson
Occupier: Widow of Mr Jeffry Prescott
Property: house
Annual rental value: £9 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Sir Edward Stanley Bart.
Lessee: Henry Parr and Robert Winstanley
Occupier: John Veseraggen
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 5s. 0d.
Occupier: William Southworth
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 10s. 0d.
Occupier: Ellen Edge
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 6s. 9d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Alderman Mr Myers
Occupier: Alderman Mr Myers
Property: house
Annual rental value: £9 14s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: owner occupied

Owner: Sir Edward Stanley Bart.
Occupier: Sir Edward Stanley Bart
Property: house
Annual rental value: £40 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: owner occupied

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Occupier: Allen Sharrock
Property: house
Annual rental value: £5 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: Mr Joseph Bennett
Occupier: Richard Sudell shoemaker
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 7s. 6d.
Occupier: John Hodgkinson son of John shoemaker
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 5s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Occupier: Leigh esq
Property: house
Annual rental value: £30 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Leigh esq
Property: field
Acreage: 4.5
Annual rental value: £15 0s. 0d.
Location: said Leigh his house north side
Name: Dych Field
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Occupier: John Melling
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 5s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: yearly rental

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Occupier: James Hodgkinson shoemaker
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: William Bennett
Occupier: Elizabeth Potter
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 15s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: John Seddon saddler
Occupier: James Herd
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 15s. 0d.
Occupier: John Seddon
Property: house and smithy
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: Ellen Myers widow of John Myers
Occupier: Margaret Slater
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 2s. 6d.
Occupier: Edward Addison
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 10s. 0d.
Occupier: William Garstang
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 4s. 0d.
Occupier: Widow Leaver
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Name: ‘Bramwell’s H.’
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: George Merry
Occupier: Robert Heath
Property: house and barn
Annual rental value: £3 19s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: Henry Parr
Occupier: Robert Taylor
Property: barn and garden
Annual rental value: £2 14s. 0d.
Occupier: Margaret Stoppord
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 6s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Occupier: Mr Pilkington
Property: house
Annual rental value: £8 2s. 6d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: executors of Joseph Shawe
Lessee: Ralph Woods
Occupier: Empty lately in possession of Widow Sharrock deceased
Property: house
Occupier: Mr Parkinson apothecary
Property: garden
Occupier: George Singleton
Property: smithy
Annual rental value: £4 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Lawrence Wall
Lessee: Jane Heaton widow
Occupier: Ellen Hall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 5s. 0d.
Occupier: William Serjeant
Property: house and stable
Annual rental value: £2 10s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate north side
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Thomas Johnson
Occupier: John Hodgkinson butcher
Property: house
Annual rental value: £3 10s. 0d.
Location: north side going into Ribbleton Lane near East Moor gate
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Lessee: Robert Clayton
Occupier: Joseph Hall
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Occupier: Robert Clayton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate east side or East Moor gate
Occupier: William Shackshaft
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 18s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate west side or East Moor gate
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: Borough
Occupier: John Clayton
Property: house
Annual rental value: £2 0s. 0d.
Location: Churchgate west side or East Moor gate
Tenure: leasehold

Owner: John Winckley esq
Lessee: Thomas Silcock
Occupier: Ralph Kellet
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 14s. 0d.
Occupier: Henry Tuson
Property: house
Annual rental value: £1 14s. 0d.
Location: Peel Moor west side
Tenure: leasehold

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