Wall, Lawrence – mayor

Lawrence Wall was the eldest son of James Wall of Moreside or Moor Hall (the house gave its name to the present Moor Hall Street, between Eldon Street and Ripon Street). Fishwick supplies a pedigree which indicates that he was born some time before the baptism of his younger brother in 1617. He served on the town council from 1662, becoming alderman and serving as mayor in 1678/9 and 1686/7. [1] He died in 1692. [2]

Wall appears in the diary of Lawrence Rawstorne where the funerals of two his sons are noted (Rawstorne: 27 August 1687 and 20 February 1688).

[1] Henry Fishwick, The History of the Parish of Preston (Rochdale: The Aldine Press, 1900), 246–47; ‘Preston Court Leet Records’, accessed 29 January 2017, http://c5110394.myzen.co.uk/mw/index.php?title=Main_Page.
[2] ‘St John’s, Preston’, Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerk Project, n.d., http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Preston/Preston/stjohn/index.html.