Warren, John – Preston recorder

John Warren was the first person to fill the new office of borough recorder for Preston, an office created in 1685 with the awarding of a new charter to the town by Charles II. He was elected unanimously by the corporation, replacing Edward Rigby who had held the equivalent office of steward under the previous charter. Warren remained in post until 1706. [1] He was put forward as a candidate in the Preston election of 1690, but withdrew from the contest. [2]

[1] Michael Mullett, ‘“To Dwell Together in Unity”: the Search for Unity in Preston Politics 1660-1690’, Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 125 (1975): 75, https://www.hslc.org.uk/journal/vol-125-1974/attachment/125-4-mullett/
[2] ‘Preston | History of Parliament Online (1690-1715)’, accessed 2 January 2016, http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1690-1715/constituencies/preston.