Campbell’s – inn

Chart showing the location of Campbell’s or Cammels inn [1]
Campbells (also known as Camells) was an inn on the north bank of the Ribble at Ashton Bank to the south west of the present Ashton Park, at which the diarists Thomas Bellingham and Lawrence Rawstorne frequently dined in the late 17th century. It seems to have served as a quay for Bellingham reports on the 13 December 1688, ‘I rode to Camells to see ye ship wch came from Holland’. Its location is marked on the 1736 survey of the Ribble by Fearon and Eyes, at which time the river followed a more unruly course than today. [1]

[1] James Barron, A History of the Ribble Navigation (Preston: Guardian Press, 1938), 48.