Bushell, Rev William

William Bushell (1661-1735) was the second son of Seth Bushell, vicar of Preston and latterly of Lancaster, who died in 1684. His stepsister, Sarah, was the wife of Sir Christopher Greenfield.

Bushell was ordained deacon in 1690 and served briefly at Preston [1] before being nominated by the vicar of Kirkham for the curacy of Goosnargh in 1692; the nomination was supported by his brother-in-law Sir Christopher Greenfield. He was appointed rector of Heysham in 1699, where he served until his death while continuing to serve at Goosnargh. [2] He might have been the Mr Bushell preaching in Preston parish church before his ordination, for example as recorded in Lawrence Rawstorne’s diary entry for 9 December 1688.

A full account of the Bushell family, written by Trevor Kirkham, can be found at Lancashire Archives, Preston. Mr Kirkham provided help in the preparation of this short biography. [3]

[1] ‘CCED: Person ID: 58489’, accessed 23 February 2017, http://db.theclergydatabase.org.uk/jsp/persons/DisplayPerson.jsp?PersonID=58489.
[2] Henry Fishwick, The History of the Parochial Chapelry of Goosnargh (Manchester: Charles Simms & Co, 1871), 124–25, https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=D-IHAAAAQAAJ&dq.
[3] Trevor H. Kirkham, The Bushell Family and the Foundation of Bushell’s Hospital at Goosnargh (Preston: Author, 2013).