Taylor, Zachary

Zachary Taylor (1653–1705), who makes an occasional appearance in the Bellingham/Rawstorne diaries, was the son of the Zachary Taylor who was headmaster of Kirkham Grammar at that time. Zachary Taylor junior was a graduate of Jesus College, Cambridge, where his tutor was Richard Wroe. Taylor served as a clergyman in various capacities in Lancashire before being appointed vicar of Ormskirk in 1680. He married into the Bickerstaffe branch of the Stanley family, becoming brother-in-law of Sir Thomas Stanley, who had married into the Patten family of Preston. Fairly early in his clerical career he proved a combative polemicist, publishing pamphlets attacking dissenters and one that helped High Church Anglicans overcome their guilt at breaching their oaths to James II at the Revolution and reconciled them to the rule of William and Mary. He later continued to publish fierce attacks on Catholics and dissidents. [1]

[1] Richard D. Harrison, ‘Taylor, Zachary (1653–1705)’, in The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. Lawrence Goldman, online (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/27096.